英:[ˈwi:tdʒɜ:m] 美: [ˈwitdʒɜrm]
wheatgerm 基本解释
wheatgerm 相关例句
Wheatgerm Hexokinase: Physical and Active‐Site PropertiesWheatgerm agglutinin-mediated toxicity in pancreatic cancer cellsSnowdrop and wheatgerm lectins and avidin as antimetabolites for the control of sugarcane whitegrubsEffect of Microalgal Diets and Commercial Wheatgerm Flours on the Lipid Profile of Ruditapes decussatus SpatThe spinothalamic tract in the primate: a re-examination using wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase.ja:math is present in cysts and trophozoites of Giardia lamblia and serves as receptor for wheatgerm agglutininBlockade of ionotropic quisqualate receptor desensitization in rat hippocampal neurons by wheatgerm agglutinin and other lectinsRetrograde and transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase-conjugated cholera toxin B subunit, wheatgerm agglutinin and isol...The dorsal midbrain anticonvulsant zone—II. Efferent connections revealed by the anterograde transport of wheatgerm agglutinin-hors...Retrograde and transganglionic transport of horseradish-conjugated cholera toxin B unit, wheatgerm agglutinin and isolectin B4 from ...