英:['waɪtɪst] 美: ['waɪtɪst]
whitest 相关例句
- My father made home so disagreeable to me that what was called by schoolboys Black Monday was to me the whitest in the whole year.
The Whitest GirlThe Whitest GirlThe Whitest GirlThe Whitest Kids U'KnowIn whitest Africa : the dynamics of apartheidThe 'whitest profession': Despite outreach, few Latinos go into veterinary medicineCivil rights in the whitest state: Vermont's perceptions of civil rights, 1945-1968"The heaviest and the whitest": lead white quality in north western European documentary sources, 1400-1900"Visions of me in the whitest raw light": Assimilation and Doxic Whiteness in Chang-rae Lee's 'Native Speaker'Impact of Age at Smoking Initiation, Dosage, and Time Since Quitting on Cardiovascular Disease in African Americans and WhitesThe At...