wild 基本解释
adj.(形容词)野生的,野性的 living or growing in natural conditions and having natural qualities, not bred, grown, or produced by humans
凶猛的,不驯服的 (of a person or animal) violent and uncontrollable
强烈的,狂暴的 (of natural forces) violent, strong
狂热的,发怒的,疯狂的 showing strong uncontrolled feelings
荒芜的 (of place) natural; without the presence of man, especially because too cold, rocky, etc. to live in
wild[ waild ]
n.a wild primitive state untouched by civilization"he lived in the wild"; "they collected mushrooms in the wild"
同义词:natural statestate of nature
a wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition"it was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers"
adj.marked by extreme lack of restraint or control"wild talk"; "wild parties"
in a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated"wild geese"; "edible wild plants"
in a state of extreme emotion"wild with anger"; "wild with grief"
deviating widely from an intended course"a wild bullet"; "he threw a wild pitch"
(of colors or sounds) intensely vivid or loud"wild colors"; "wild shouts"
without a basis in reason or fact同义词:baselessgroundlessidleunfoundedunwarranted
talking or behaving irrationally同义词:ravingraving mad
involving risk or danger"a wild financial scheme"
extravagantly fanciful and unrealistic; foolish同义词:fantastic
located in a dismal or remote area; desolate"a godforsaken wilderness crossroads"; "a wild stretch of land"
intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with同义词:crazy
without civilizing influences"wild tribes"
(of the elements) as if showing violent anger同义词:angryfuriousragingtempestuous
adv.in an uncontrolled and rampant manner同义词:rampantly
in a wild or undomesticated manner"growing wild"; "roaming wild"
wild 相关例句
用作形容词 (adj.)~+名词- wild animals野兽
- wild fellow放荡之徒
- wild flowers野花
- wild horses野马
- wild mountain荒山
- wild price fluctuations行市的狂涨暴跌
- wild scenery荒凉的景色
- wild scheme草率的计划
- wild tribes野蛮的部落
动词+~- drive sb wild激怒某人
- get wild with rage狂怒
- get wild with wine发酒疯
- grow wild荒芜了
- run wild荒芜了
~+介词- wild about对…狂热的
- wild about music酷爱音乐
- wild over对…狂热的
- wild with因…而发怒的
- wild with anger狂怒的
- wild with anxiety焦急万分
- wild with delight欣喜若狂
- wild with enthusiasm热情奔放
- wild with excitement欣喜若狂
- wild with joy欣喜若狂
in the wild在野外,野生的;在自然环境下
wild flower野花
wild animal n. 野生动物;野兽
run wild失去控制;变得荒芜
wild goose n. 野鹅,雁
wild rice菰米;野生稻米
wild boar[动]野猪
wild rose n. 野玫瑰;[植]野蔷薇
wild life野生鸟兽
wild west西大荒;蛮荒的美国西部
wild dog野狗;大洋洲野犬
go wild狂怒,狂热;发狂
wild duck n. 野鸭
wild card(纸牌中的)万能牌
wild geese大雁;野鹅;野雁
wild beast n. 野兽
wild horse野马
wild and woolly粗野的;未开化的
wild cherry野黑樱桃
wild type n. 野生型,原株
stormy, wild, fierce, turbulent, violent这组词都有“剧烈的,凶猛的,狂暴的”的意思,其区别是:
用作形容词(adj.)- In nature, all animals are wild and free.
在自然界,一切动物都是野生的,自由自在的。 - North America has the world's best climate for wild grapes.
北美的气候是世界上最适合野生葡萄生长的。 - I was living like a wild child.
我的行为像个野蛮的孩子。 - Nothing is sacred to these wild youths.
这些狂野的年轻人什么都不尊重。 - He is wild to see the film star.
用作副词(adv.)- You can't make wild accusations like that!
用作名词(n.)- Danger in the wild comes from the carnivores.
荒野地带的危险来自食肉动物。 - There's a wild stretch of land behind the house.
房子后面有一大片荒地。 - The village people are planting trees to turn the wild into a beautiful garden.
Inbreeding effects in wild populationsWild-type KRAS is required for panitumumab efficacy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.Wild-type BRAF is required for response to panitumumab or cetuximab in metastatic colorectal cancer.RAF inhibitors prime wild-type RAF to activate the MAPK pathway and enhance growth.Bacterial fish pathogens: disease in farmed and wild fishThe mineral nutrition in wild plants revisited: a reevaluation of processes and patternThe mineral nutrition of wild plants revisited: a re-evaluation of processes and patterns.Leptin activation of Stat3 in the hypothalamus of wild-type and ob/ob mice but not db/db mice.Telaprevir and pegylated interferon-alpha-2a inhibit wild-type and resistant genotype 1 hepatitis C virus replication in patients.Interactions of abiraterone, eplerenone and prednisolone with wild-type and mutant androgen receptor: a rationale for increasing abi...