wryness 相关例句
Politeinterestandindifferencearemuch morecommon,very similar to the United States,anothercountrywhichthrew offthecolonialyokebyforce: a similarmixtureofwrynessandcuriosity.
Chapter 3. The Incomparable Wryness of Old English PoetryThe Incomparable Wryness of Old English Poetry1P1-B03 A Stiffness Adjust Mechanism using Wryness of RopesWainwright elevates wryness to an art formWryness of Wyness has Hearts pumpingMAGNETIC FIELDS ATTRACT WITH WRYNESSOn natural strain measures of the non-linear micropolar continuumMaterial symmetry group of the non-linear polar-elastic continuumOn vectorially parameterized natural strain measures of the non-linear Cosserat continuumNatural Lagrangian Strain Measures of the Non-Linear Cosserat Continuum