yarned 相关例句
cotton yarn棉纱;棉纱线
blended yarn混纺纱
spun yarn细纱,纺成纱
yarn strength纱线强度,长丝强度
knitting yarn针织纱;毛线
yarn evenness纱线均匀度
fancy yarn花式纱
filament yarn长丝纱线
single yarn单纱,初捻纱
silk yarn丝线;绢丝
polyester yarn涤纶纱;聚酯纱线
wool yarn毛纱
warp yarn经纱;经线;帆布经线
yarn dyed色织布
slub yarn粒纱;粗节纱;竹节花式纱
combed yarn精梳纱
weft yarn纬纱
textured yarn变形纱;光亮纱线;膨松纱;结构纱;花色纱
core yarn[纺织业]包芯纱
yarn count[纺]纱线支数,丝线支数
用作名词(n.)- Wool fibers can be spun into yarn.
羊毛纤维可纺成纱。 - The tailor was balling the yarn.
用作动词(v.)- We stayed up yarning until midnight.
我们讲故事一直讲到半夜才睡。 - The old mariner liked to yarn about his sea adventures.
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