appeal from Philip drunk to Philip sober
轻轻地告诉你 (Live) - 杨钰莹/武艺 (Philip Lau)词:毕晓世曲:毕晓世女:让我轻轻的告诉你天上的星星在等待分享你的寂寞你的欢乐还有什么不能说男:让我慢慢的靠近你伸出双手你还有我给你我的幻想我的祝福生命阳光最温暧合:不要问...
心愿便利贴 - 付梦妮 (Mini Fu)/武艺 (Philip Lau)武艺:一天一天贴近你的心 你开心我关心付梦妮:一点一滴我都能感应 你是我最美的相信武艺:等不到双子座流星雨洒满天际付梦妮:先点燃九支仙女棒代替武艺:最灿烂不一定要许多钻石黄金合:看你眼睛有幸福的倒影付梦妮:把你的讨厌宅...
The Mountains of Mourne (蒙内之山) - Brendan O'Dowda/Philip GreenOh mary this london's a wonderful sightWith the people here workin' by day and by nightThey don't sow potatoes nor...
Indonesia Di Hatiku - GMS Live/Philip MantofaWritten by:Robby Kurniawan/Redo Daeng Badjie/GMS LivePermata khatulistiwa sungguh biruLangit dan lautnyaIndah menawan lembay...
Indonesia Bagi KemuliaanMu - GMS Live/Philip MantofaLyrics by:Julita ManikComposed by:Julita ManikArranged by:GMS LiveYesuslah Tuhan yang layak ditinggikanLayak d...