yup 相关例句
用作副词(adv.)- Yup. He asked me if I want the job.
是的,他问我要不要接受那份工作。 - Yup! I also like clam soup and sea cucumbers.
Yup'ik Eskimo Dictionary.YUP: A Molecular Simulation Program for Coarse-Grained and Multiscaled ModelsPrevalence of diabetes mellitus in pregnancy among Yup'ik Eskimos, 1987-1988Toward a Culturally Based Pedagogy: A Case Study of One Yup'ik Eskimo TeacherTransforming the Culture of Schools: Yup'ik Eskimo Examples. Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education.Transforming the Culture of Schools: Yup'ik Eskimo Examples. Sociocultural, Political, and Historical Studies in Education.Chemical characterization of Arctic soils: activity area analysis in contemporary Yup'ik fish camps using ICP-AESZhao J, Zhang X, Xin YUp-regulated expression of Ezrin and c-Met proteins are related to the metastasis and prognosis of gastric car...Nutrient intakes are associated with adherence to a traditional diet among Yup'ik Eskimos living in remote Alaska Native communities...The Relationship between Academic and Practical Intelligence: A Case Study of the Tacit Knowledge of Native American Yup'ik People i...