Zaman 相关例句
Zaman newspaper时代报
Kamil Zaman原名卡米尔·泽曼
her zaman 噪音摇滚 ; 总是
geçmiş zaman 过去时 ; 过去时态
T Zaman英国入侵
zaman aşamalı 时间分段 ; 时段
ne zaman蓝调摇滚
zaman pertengahan中世纪
imdiki zaman现在式
"What tookmonthscan bedonenowin daysor weeks, "Zamansaid. "It'samazing."
Noural-Zaman,aphonestoreowner, says "nobodybuys it now and peoplearesellingtheirBlackBerrys."
In addition tothesalesban,ChinamayoffersubsidiestoencouragepurchasesofLEDlighting,Zamanwrote.
Spreading characteristics of compressible jets from nozzles of various geometriesTurbulence suppression in free shear flows by controlled excitationClopidogrel Loading With Eptifibatide to Arrest the Reactivity of Platelets Results of the Clopidogrel Loading With Eptifibatide to ...Thin‐layer element for interfaces and jointsEfficacy of nine-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine against pneumonia and invasive pneumococcal disease in The Gambia: randomised...Congenital Jaundice in Rats with a Mutation in a Multidrug Resistance-Associated Protein GeneOverexpression of the gene encoding the multidrug resistance-associated protein results in increased ATP-dependent glutathione S-con...Platelet reactivity in patients and recurrent events post-stenting: results of the PREPARE POST-STENTING StudyMigration of tumor cells in 3D matrices is governed by matrix stiffness along with cell-matrix adhesion and proteolysis.Basolateral localization and export activity of the human multidrug resistance-associated protein in polarized pig kidney cells.