Zehner 相关例句
Social explanation: The role of timing, set, and recall on subjective likelihood estimatesMethods for driving bistable electro-optic displays, and apparatus for use thereinSelf-Assembly of Conjugated Molecular Rods: A High Resolutio n STM StudyForensic entomology.Chemistry in Supercritical WaterStructure and phases of the Au(001) surface: X‐ray scattering measurementsElectron emission during interactions of multicharged N and Ar ions with Au(110) and Cu(001) surfacesStructure and phases of the Au(111) surface: X-ray-scattering measurementsSelf-assembled molecular rectifiers12.3: Flexible, Active-Matrix Display Constructed Using a Microencapsulated Electrophoretic Material and an Organic-Semiconductor-Ba...