zemstvos 基本解释
n. 地方自治组织 (zemstvo的变形)
zemstvos 相关例句
Zemstvos, Peasants, and Citizenship: The Russian Adult Education Movement and World War IRussian local government during the war and the union of Zemstvos /The Issue of Zemstvos in Right Bank Ukraine 1864–1906. Russian Anti-Polonism Under the Challenges of ModernizationRussian local government during the war and the Union of Zemstvos by T. G. PolnerACQUISITION, REGISTRATION, STORAGE AND USE OF DOCUMENTS IN THE ZEMSTVOS ARCHIVESPolitics and the War Effort in Russia: The Union of Zemstvos and the Organization of the Food Supply, 1914-1916Action publique, action humanitaire pendant le premier conflit mondial: Les zemstvos et les municipalitésHow Arbitrary Was Tsarist Administrative Justice? The Case of the Zemstvos Petitions to the Imperial Ruling Senate, 1866鈥6How Arbitrary Was Tsarist Administrative Justice? The Case of the Zemstvos Petitions to the Imperial Ruling Senate, 1866-1916Mary Schaeffer Conroy (ed.), Emerging Democracy in Late Imperial Russia: Case Studies on Local Self-Government (the Zemstvos), State...