Zeppelin 相关例句
led zeppelin齐柏林飞艇(一支英国的摇滚乐队)
Seasonal and Spatial Differences in Diet in the Western Stock of Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias Jubatus)Are carbon nanostructures an efficient hydrogen storage medium?Insulin and insulin-like growth factor I induce c-fos expression in postmitotic neurons by a protein kinase C-dependent pathwayCoping Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of Distress Following a Natural DisasterHydrogen desorption kinetics of nanostructured MgH 2 composite materialsDesorption of hydrogen from blowing agents used for foaming metalsUsing Drawings to Bridge the Transition from Student to Future Teacher of Mathematics.Patterns in prey use among fur seals and seabirds in the Pribilof IslandsPatterns in prey use by fur seals and seabirds on the Pribilof IslandsForaging habitats based on the diet of female northern fur seals (Callorhinus ursinus) on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska