Zia 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- The ruler was then a dictator called General Zia ul Haq.
它过去的统治者叫做齐亚哈克,穆罕麦迪。 - Two years later, after Zia ul-Haq was killed when his plane dropped out of the sky, she was elected to power.
Inflammation in AtherosclerosisAn integrated cellular and sub-cellular model of cancer chemotherapy and therapies that target cell survivalhEST2, the putative human telomerase catalytic subunit gene, is up-regulated in tumor cells and during immortalization.Random sets and integral geometryShedding light onto live molecular targets. Nat Med 9:123-128MCMC-based particle filtering for tracking a variable number of interacting targetsSelf-healing and thermoreversible rubber from supramolecular assemblyGreen Cellular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and ChallengesWeissleder, R. & Ntziachristos, V. Shedding light onto live molecular targets. Nat. Med. 9, 123-128MCMC-Based Particle Filtering for Tracking a Variable Number of Interacting Targets