zink 相关例句
Untersuchungen über ternäre Chalkogenide. VI. Über Ternäre Chalkogenide des Aluminiums, Galliums und Indiums mit Zink, Cadmium u...Brain size, hunting and the risk of getting shot: a reply to Zink & Stuber (2017)Vurkhu barita ot olovno-tsinkovoto mestorozhdenie Madzharovo, Kharmanliisko; ueber den Baryt der Blei-Zink-Lagerstaette Madzarovo, B...Zink als Pflanzennahrungsfaktor und PflanzengiftThe Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social ScienceParticipation and democratic theoryThe Importance of Recent Ice Ages in Speciation: A Failed ParadigmGenetics of gene expression and its effect on disease.Multifunctional Inorganic Nanoparticles for Imaging, Targeting, and Drug DeliveryProfiling of genes expressed in peripheral blood mononuclear cells predicts glucocorticoid sensitivity in asthma patients