zlotys 相关例句
用作名词(n.)- As financial markets seized up,however,the zloty went into reverse.
Zlotys, PolishZlotys, Rubles, and LeksFive Zlotys for a JewSoft zlotys for western hardwareWant bahts for zlotys? Try thisSun, Sea and Zlotys - Snap Up a BargainDOLLARS TO ZLOTYS: I B SINGER'S "THE SON"Polish salt-mines: Zlotys for church conservationDealing with money : zlotys, dollars and other currencies in the Polish highlandsGodot and his Shadow Antoni Libera, Godot I Jego Cien , Krakow: Wydawnictwo Znak, 2009. 414pp. 36.90 zlotys. ISBN 978-83-240-1094-3