zoo- 相关例句
beijing zoo北京动物园
shanghai zoo上海动物园
The use of medetomidine, medetomidine-ketamine combinations and atipamezole at Helsinki Zoo--a review of 240 cases.Bestimmungstabellen der Gallen (Zoo- und Phyto-cecidien) an Pflanzen Mittel- und Nordeuropas, I (1964), II (1965)SUN database: Large-scale scene recognition from abbey to zooNutrient requirements of beef cattleMesenchymal stem cells promote engraftment of human umbilical cord blood-derived CD34(+) cells in NOD/SCID mice.Bone morphogenetic proteins stimulate angiogenesis through osteoblast-derived vascular endothelial growth factor A.Zoogeography of the SeaSclerostin Is an Osteocyte-expressed Negative Regulator of Bone Formation, But Not a Classical BMP AntagonistContraceptive efficacy of testosterone-induced azoospermia and oligozoospermia in normal menMarine Zoogeography